How I Summarize Books for Personal Development 01 Oct 2023

Reading is one of the fastest ways to develop ideas as you either agree with what you are reading or are coming up with a rebuttal against it, even if you are not conscious of the process. Sometimes, having secondary materials like a summary or insight notes are helpful to have alongside the source material to assist in pinning down opinions, situations, and developments.

In addition to reading the source material, summaries provide a platform to jump into the text that are useful in informing what kinds of questions to ask yourself about the material covered in the text. Insight notes connect themes, motifs and trends across the entire text that apply beyond the context of the source material. These documents provide a series of statements for a reader to follow along within the text to clarify misunderstandings and identify fertile ground for fresh interpretation.

Of course, they don’t always exist when you need them. In this article, I will explain a way to generate summaries and insight notes yourself using ChatGPT.

Keep in mind this is no substitute for a close reading. While this method produces “useful-enough” information, it is up to the reader to exercise their faculties to produce actionable results.

Step 1: Preparing the Text

Before you start summarizing a book section by section using ChatGPT, you need to have the text of the book available in digital format like .PDF, .EPUB, or .TXT. Make sure the text is well-structured and organized for better results. Ideally, you should have the book divided into sections or chapters, but copying and pasting text sections that stay under the token limit is a quick way of working if it meets your needs from the source text.

Step 2: Setting up ChatGPT

There is no shortage of tools that perform summarization, but most are adequate for this task. At the time of this writing (Oct 2023), I prefer ChatGPT. You can access ChatGPT through various platforms or APIs, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3.5. For ad-hoc summarization tasks, the interface on the website is sufficient for most topics.

Step 3: Defining the Task

Clearly define the task for ChatGPT at the beginning of your prompt or use Custom Instructions to streamline batch processing tasks. For instance, you can ask it to provide a summary of a specific section of the book. Be precise in your request to ensure you get the information you need. For example, you might say, “Please provide a summary of Chapter 3 of ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald.” If you want an even more concise response, you might say, “Summarize into key bullet points.”

Step 4: Processing the Text

ChatGPT will generate a summary based on the input you provided. Process this text further to make it more concise and coherent. Remove any redundant phrases or sentences and rephrase if necessary. Remember, the goal is to condense the information while retaining the core ideas.

Step 5: Repeat for Each Section

Repeat the process for each section or chapter of the book. Be consistent in your approach and maintain a clear structure for your summaries. This will make it easier for readers to follow along.

Step 6: Combine Summaries

If you want to create an overarching summary of the entire book, you can combine the section-by-section summaries. Ensure that the final summary provides a coherent and concise overview of the book’s main ideas and themes.

Step 7: Processing the Summaries (Optional)

Load your combined summary text into ChatGPT and ask it for key insights. While the ability of current models to provide genuine novel insights is debated, AI tends to produce “useful-enough” information that it is worth analyzing.

Step 8: Review and Refine

After generating the summaries, take some time to review and refine them. Ensure that they accurately capture the essence of each section and the book as a whole. Editing and revising are essential to produce high-quality summaries.


Summarizing book text section by section using ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for individuals with busy schedules or those looking for a quick overview of a book’s content. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can generate concise and informative summaries of each section or chapter, allowing you to grasp the main ideas without reading the entire book. This approach can save you time while still providing a meaningful understanding of the text’s content.

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