
A Specification Parser for DOCX

Specxtract is a utility designed to extract product specifications, features, and related information from DOCX files. It uses regular expressions to identify specific patterns in the text and extracts relevant data.

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A Simple Product Expiry Management Tool.

Spoiltracker is useful for businesses that deal with perishable products and need to keep track of their expiration dates. It can be used in various industries such as food and beverage, agriculture, perishable goods logistics, warehousing, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

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Cheese Recommender Web App

A cheese recommendation website built with Flask and deployed on Google Cloud Run.

This project could be useful for a cheese retailer or distributor to provide personalized recommendations to their customers. By asking customers about their preferences and excluding any qualities they do not like, the retailer can provide a curated list of cheeses that are more likely to be appealing to the customer. This could increase customer satisfaction and potentially lead to higher sales.

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A tool that searches for a given term in multiple files within a directory and returns links to the matched occurrences within their sentence context.

For finding relevant strings in text and their citations in the documents that contain them.

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friendex is a command-line module for tracking and managing friendships.

A great way to track common interests and topics of discussion trends over time.

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Generates and stores project ideas based on a list of nouns.

Good for brainstorming and colliding concepts for inspiration or pleasure.

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