text-summarizer 02 Dec 2022

I have made the first few commits for an extractive text summarizer. A good amount of it was assembled via a tutorial, but I cleaned up the output and streamlined variable use so it does not require editing the script itself to produce a summary. I also got practice with writing documentation of functions. Understanding the control flow was my personal goal with completing it and its the thought that counts, right? you can find it here

Difficulties this week were with Django, as I have two half-finished websites that will probably remain as such. Luckily they still served a purpose as a good exercise in developing muscle memory for migrations and troubleshooting. Failure has always been my greatest teacher.

I have found YouTube to be an extremely low-density source of information and a very-not-good method of learning anything related to development. Necessity is the mother of invention, however. I’d rather see how far i can push static sites using Jekyll, the framework that belay this blog.

The greatest change has been my IDE, as I have moved from using PyCharm to VSCode. I have been wary of Microsoft products for some time, but it is a fantastic tool. I am sure i will find my qualms with it soon (oh yeah, setting up virtual environments caused a few hours of headaches today) but I enjoy how slick it looks.

I have also further customized my terminal with a nifty prompt (-> instead of username@workstation), generated from this website. It seems like a small change, but it greatly increases my screen real estate (now I know why a 13-inch monitor can be a pain) and it is a small comfort that makes me feel like I am learning something.

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