sandwich-generator 20 Apr 2023

For this project, i tried to make something that had practical use at my job at a cheese shop that serves grilled cheese sandwiches and gourmet melts.

Thinking of new sandwiches gets old and you get stuck in patterns. Having a new ‘Grilled Cheese of the Week’ each week allows a testing ground for new mainstays and a chance for your next customer to find their new favorite. Thats where the sandwich-generator steps in.

Faster than picking names out of a hat, easier than thinking of combinations in rapid succession. This chef’s aid comes in handy for the amateur and the enterprise user alike!

Alright, enough of the pitch. What really sells this fantastic tool is the ease of adding new ingredients via a CVS file database, easily edited in spreadsheet software. While that may limit its capacity, it does not limit its capability.

It works by using the random and csv libraries to randomly select cheeses, meats, vegetables, and condiments read from ingredients.csv which contains four columns.

A user can repeatedly generate new sandwiches, picking the ones they like and slightly modifying the ones that spark inspiration. In this way, a chef can capidly prototype new sandwiches from their inventory.

Heres a link to the project: sandwich-generator

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